Lesconcierge Recommendations
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Work-life Balance @less than a cuppa
Employees have lives and responsibilities outside the rigors of the workplace, and with office hours taking up the greater part of the day, many don’t have room in their schedules to manage personal affairs during any other time.
In a recent study almost 93 percent of survey responders spent work time handling personal matters—e.g., ordering items online, running errands, or going shopping nearby.
This speaks to the challenge of maintaining work-life balance. Difficulty balancing both home and work responsibilities can lead to stress, which can lead to increased health issues, to employees taking more unscheduled time off, and to higher absenteeism—all of which contribute to reduced productivity and to a loss of profit.
While engaged employees are motivated and dedicated to their organization, it is important for employers to recognize these employees need stress free time to stay engaged.
There are countless ways for supporting a positive work/life balance; however, the key is to offer options. Employees have different needs, so allowing choices is the best way to support a diverse staff.
To build a Magnetic Culture, it is crucial for employers to take the time to create a means for employees to have a healthy balance between the workplace and their personal lives - our Employee Concierge Services focuses on each member to get their work done as they would themselves and this added value oftentimes makes employees appreciate their position more than they would have otherwise, which leads to commitment to the organization and builds a strong foundation for engagement.
We would love to hear from you and get creative to develop unique offerings that would truly set you apart from the competition.
Allow us to help you create that happy place for your employees to work in and, in turn, propel your company forward.
Waiting to hear from you
Debjani Lalwani
VP - Customer Experience and Communications
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